Saturday, 15 October 2011

My Dog, Lucky!!

My dog's name is Lucky, he is 7 years old in people years but 49 years in dog years. If you're smart you should've already figured out that each person year is 7 dog years. Yes, he is a papillon. Papillon is French for butterfly, and as you can probably see that his ears look like butterfly wings. Thats why they call those dogs like that. But honestly, don't you think he is just the cutest.

Friday, 1 July 2011

It's My 12th Birthday!

Hi guys it is my birthday on Thursday and I am so excited! I'm turning 12! I hope to have an awesome birthday and to anyone who's birthday is close by, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Selena Gomez

You should check out Selena Gomez's songs and you should also go to her new movie called Monte Carlo coming out on the 22nd of September but the ad says it comes out on the 1st of July but thats in America. Type this in YouTube to see the preview...

Selena Gomez - Monte Carlo (Official Movie Trailer) HD

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Chocolate Brownies

To make 15 yummy brownies, you will need:

*175g (6oz) margarine/butter
*350g (12oz) caster sugar
*1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
*3 eggs
*125g (5oz) plain flour
*1 level teaspoon of baking powder
*50g (2oz) cocoa
*175g (6oz) chocolate chips
*a rectangular tin

Heat your oven to 180C, 350F gas mark 4 in step 2.


1. Lay the tin on a piece of greaseproof paper or baking parchment. Draw around it, the cut out the rectangle.

2. Wipe a little margarine over the inside of the tin. Lay the paper rectangle in the tin, then wipe it, too. Then, turn on your oven.

3. Put the margarine into a saucepan an melt it on a low heat. Pour it into a large bowl, then stir in the sugar and vanilla.

4. Break the eggs into a small bowl and stir them with a fork. Add them to the large bowl, a little at a time. Stir them in well.

5 Sift the flour through a sieve into the large . Add the baking powder and cocoa, then mix everything well.

6. Add the chocolate chips to the mixture then stir them in.

7. Spoon the mixture into the tin and smooth the top a little. Then, bake it in the oven for about 40 minutes.

8. Using oven gloves, lift out the the tin. the mixture will have risen and have a crust on the top, but will still be soft in the middle.

9. After 5 minutes, cut the cooked mixture into 15 squares. Then, put the brownies onto a wire rack to cool.

Store in an airtight container and eat within a week. You don't have to put in the chocolate chips, you could put in something else like nuts, but DO NOT give them to people who are allergic to them...

...happy baking.

Thursday, 26 May 2011


hey bloggers you should check out this website, it's called KIKKI.K.

it's a stationary shop but it also has other things like felt and leather bags.
they have stuff like ink pens, all sorts of writing books, photo albums and frames, wrapping stuff and other awesome things and they're great as gifts for someone such as your mum, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister or anyone else you know. anyway if you have the time I recommend you go to this shop.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


if you go on the website
you can add body parts of an animal and make yourself
look cool and weird at the same time.
and here is my wild self.
which is a giraffe, polar bear, octopus, jelly fish
and a monarch butterfly all crossed together.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Micky and Minnie Mouse

this is a painting of micky and minnie mouse
that i painted on the 27th of March, 2011.
i painted another picture of micky and minnie
but i sent it over to Saturday Disney.

Food Rubbers

these are my food rubbers and i have about 60 rubbers.
me and my friend collect them.
i got them from different places.
here are 2 different views of them.

Hi everybody!

Hi, I am 11 and in year 6. I'm also a house captain, in the soft ball team and play netball and in the senior A team. I started this blog on Monday, 28 March 2011. This is my first time having a blog and I have some cool stuff I want to share with you and please only give me good comments. Oh and BTW (by the way) if you click on the fish pond fish food will come and the fish will eat it.
